The Jewelled City.

Have a project in the works but not much media? How about an idea you are turning into a project? Maybe a game design document you want to start with. This is the place.
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Age of Fable
Posts: 54
Joined: Fri Feb 19, 2010 6:37 am

The Jewelled City.

Post by Age of Fable »

Obviously this isn't finished yet, but there's enough to see what it'll look like.

It's based on an old pen-and-paper game called En Garde!, which was based around social climbing in the era of the Three Musketeers. My game has a fantasy setting though.

The game works in an RPG-like way: each player has a single character, whose ability and situation is defined by stats, and you compete to gain levels.

The main difference is that the levels don't represent your skills. They represent your fame and social popularity. Similarly, starting characters are mostly differentiated by whether they're commoners or nobles, how much money they get every month, and so on, rather than their ability to fight or cast spells.

Unlike Age of Fable (see my sig), this is a multi-player, turn-based game. Each turn players will put in their orders, saying what their character will do. The main things characters can do are:

* Compete for the affections of non-player characters.

* Socialise in order to gain social prominence. This includes a system where characters pay money to 'toady' to more prominent characters.

* Fight duels, occasioned by various conflicts such as two characters trying to court the same person.

* Compete for various jobs - mostly military, but also some others.

* Every so often, get sent away to war. The way this works is that characters gain or lose divine favour for acting in character, and these points are 'spent' in trying to survive war and come back with booty.
Easy to play - hard to survive.
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