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How do you make a map?

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 3:04 am
by n04h
Hey guys, so I have a map drawn out for my new game, but how can I make it so when you click to a certain area on the map it takes you to the place that you clicked without me having to do a new picture for every place on the map.

Re: How do you make a map?

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 3:13 am
by Jackolantern
HTML to the rescue! What you need is an HTML "image map". They allow you to make an image with different clickable areas that can take you to different places.

If your map is particularly complex, you could also download a 30-day trial of Dreamweaver CS5 or Fireworks CS5, as both of those programs have visual image map creation features, if I remember right (I know Fireworks does, and I think Dreamweaver does, too).

EDIT: This may help if you go the HTML route: w3schools' interactive image map page. You can try playing with the code, and if you break it, just refresh the page to get the working version back.