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Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 9:15 am
by SpiritWebb
Looking for a way to create a few simple missions. Like flight, shooting the weapon(s), turning, etc. For example:


1. Use the right mouse button to move/steer ship. (successful, next mission otherwise remain on said mission until complete)
2. Use the keyboard and press 1 and press left mouse button to fire lasers.
3. Use keyboard, press 2 and fire the rockets
4. Fly to x location and pickup up a box by clicking the left mouse button on the item
5. Congrats you passed the basic flight, you are ready to explore on your own.
5a. User clicks "ok"
5b. Gate is spawned
5c. User flies to gate and clicks on it to go to actual game.

This is basically how I want the missions to go, how would I go about this...

Re: Missions

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 7:07 pm
by SpiritWebb
Anyone have any idea with this?

Re: Missions

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 7:33 pm
by hallsofvallhalla
sorry for delay here.

I would say the best way would be attach a unseen object to all new ships. On this object attach the scripts.

in the update function of the script on the object have it search for key listener and maybe have a variable to determine which mission the player is on. At the end of the last mission delete the object so it does not pop up again.