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Showcase - A place to show off your work

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 5:13 pm
by coolbloke1324
Hey folks,

I've started this topic for all you peeps out there that are creating awesome things and want to show it off. I'll go first...

I'm currently creating a game called "Starflight" that uses a large amount of Isogenic's networking system. The game is MMORPG and is set in space. You can think of it sort-of like Eve-Online but in 2d with twitch-based mechanics instead of point and click.
More screen shots and some videos soon! :)

Anyone else working on stuff please share screenshots if you can and tell us about your project! ;)

Re: Showcase - A place to show off your work

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 5:38 pm
by Jackolantern
Very nice! I always loved the feel and atmosphere of EVE, but hated that when you logged looked like...spreadsheets. It was always a bit too hardcore for me in that respect, and was just too deep for me. A twitch-based play style would be much more up my alley!

Re: Showcase - A place to show off your work

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 5:47 pm
by coolbloke1324
Yeah EVE is IMO one of the most beautiful looking games ever made, but I agree it is just too "hardcore" in places. I played for about 5 hours but lost interest when I realised that everything is roll-of-the-dice based instead of twitch based - personally I like to actually feel my skill at handling the controls made a difference instead of just "my gun is bigger than yours" firefights.

I'm trying to strike a balance between Freelancer and EVE... but obviously all in 2d :)

Assets for 2d games are easy to handle since I can grab 3d assets and then render then however I like in 2d, although I did attempt something similar to this in 3d many years ago using Torque 3D (this was well before I ever attempted to write my own game engine - but it taught me a LOT about how to do it!).

Anyone looking to get some 2d renders from 3d assets should take a look at turbosquid - I loaded them into blender for rendering. I got all my Starflight assets from there (except the nebula clouds and UI stuff, which I made myself in photoshop).

Re: Showcase - A place to show off your work

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 8:22 pm
by Chromeozone
Its nice to actually see the CEO showcasing your project here, shows that you have true passion for the engine and can't wait for others to use it!

Nice work btw!

Re: Showcase - A place to show off your work

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 9:07 pm
by Jackolantern
Yeah, it is definitely great for the engine owner to be an indie dev also :)

Torque started as an indie-founded project, but was bought out by a large company a few years ago. Simutronics, the maker of Hero Engine, has been a major company for decades (starting way back with the Gemstone MUDs in the 80's).

If you have never done indie game development, it is hard to really understand what indies and hobbyists need. This has been seen with Microsoft many times (such as the $10,000 per patch fee MS used to enforce on indies that Phil Fish brought to public attention), as well as others entities that don't understand the issues indie can have getting art assets for their game (I have considered going prerendered 3D models from Turbosquid as well, Rob! lol), ease of deployment issues, and on and on.

I am also interested to see what the community comes up with with this awesome engine! :cool:

Re: Showcase - A place to show off your work

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 9:49 pm
by coolbloke1324
Just got the new UI working now... trying to make the interface a bit more "sci-fi" with glowing lines and gradients.

Re: Showcase - A place to show off your work

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 12:44 am
by hallsofvallhalla
This is awesome. Very nice look and definitely showcases what the engine can do.

Re: Showcase - A place to show off your work

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 7:51 pm
by Jackolantern
Ooo, I like the new UI update!