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Additional Questions

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 12:01 am
by steelvoltage
Sorry for the new thread. Hopefully, I'm not being annoying or pestering anyone with my questions. I got everything up and running very well on my localhost wamp server. Now I have some questions about the game itself.

1) I changed Template from the admin panel and it does not change it when I'm logged out, just back in (could this just be an issue with my wamp temp files?) If not, how do I fix this?

2) How do I edit the order of stats when logged in (across the top of the page?) By default it's Gold, AP, Dexterity, Experience, Health, Level, Strength. I want it to be: Level, Experience, AP, Health, Strength, Dexerity, Gold

3) Also, what does Level and Experience actually do game mechanics wise? Does it add to your AP, Dex, or Strength? Is there a way to make it do so? If not, is there a way to remove it without breaking the system.

4) How do I change the default images for combat? For example, maybe make the black silhouette become someone's avatar, or maybe another image. Also I'd like to change the health and energy icons. I figured out how to change the opponent's image, but not those.

Re: Additional Questions

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 12:13 am
by KyleMassacre
1) Go to config/config.php and change the template in there to what template you want for example "neo_mafia" (I think that's what it is called :p)

2) I'm not too sure. I believe most of the game is hooked (I'm trying to write a tut in hooks etc as we speak) so I think its in a specific order of some sort either based on module name, index in the database etc.

3) As you level up you gain more stats to your max stats

4) This can be done in the combat lib.php and you can hook in there the function for the avatars of the player. I haven't actually looked to see how they are done for the health and energy bars but it may be safe to say its done with GD. Possibly?????

Re: Additional Questions

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 4:57 am
by a_bertrand
1) you are looking for the public template. By default it is $defaultPublic="welcome"; therefore as Kyle suggested, edit the config/config.php file and change it.

2) Stats don't have a display order currently. Can be added if you think it is useful. If yes, I will add it to my todo list and hopefully still implement it this month (after the release of Cubicverse).

3) Level and Exp are here mainly to gain something from combats, however as it is an engine and not a ready game, I didn't went much further than that. You can use it for quests, objects or even location restrictions, or yet change the mechanism of the game and let player increase their stats each level. Up to you. You could also remove them, however then you will need to edit the combats.

4) The default image of the combat is "avatar.png" in the modules/combat directory. Replace it with whatever you want ;)

Re: Additional Questions

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 12:01 pm
by cyborg
a_bertrand wrote: 2) Stats don't have a display order currently. Can be added if you think it is useful. If yes, I will add it to my todo list and hopefully still implement it this month (after the release of Cubicverse).
Would the simplest way to add a sort order to the table and edit your query to sort on that field?

I would like to bars for health, AP, XP etc and also have them appear in different location within the user panel. Is is best to put the results in an array? I guess placing them individual in a set location, would mean changing each time I added a stat.

Re: Additional Questions

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 12:35 pm
by a_bertrand
If anyhow you want bars and other you should replace the current state module with something which fit you better.

For the sorting in principle you are right but it requires some modifications on the stat lib too.

Re: Additional Questions

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 1:00 pm
by cyborg
Thanks, I might build up to redoing the stats module. ;)

Re: Additional Questions

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 6:11 pm
by cbsarge
KyleMassacre wrote:1)
4) This can be done in the combat lib.php and you can hook in there the function for the avatars of the player. I haven't actually looked to see how they are done for the health and energy bars but it may be safe to say its done with GD. Possibly?????
I know this is an old post but, Kyle - can you expand on that a bit? I'd love to be able to allow my players to customize what shows in the combat sequences! I tried simply replacing the url used in the combat module with

Code: Select all

but, that didn't work.

Re: Additional Questions

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 7:03 pm
by cbsarge
cbsarge wrote:
KyleMassacre wrote:1)
4) This can be done in the combat lib.php and you can hook in there the function for the avatars of the player. I haven't actually looked to see how they are done for the health and energy bars but it may be safe to say its done with GD. Possibly?????
I know this is an old post but, Kyle - can you expand on that a bit? I'd love to be able to allow my players to customize what shows in the combat sequences! I tried simply replacing the url used in the combat module with

Code: Select all

but, that didn't work.
Luckily I had another admin account! When I tried combat after changing the url I ended up with a user that crashed the game every time I tried to go to the webpage! It was saying

Code: Select all

Error: Division by zero