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is codecademy good to learn coding?

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 5:19 pm
by Violation
this site so far seems wicked but not sure if it is brilliant for learning coding.
has anyone been on here? or checked it out..

Re: is codecademy good to learn coding?

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 5:23 pm
by hallsofvallhalla
we need to train you on where to post topics ;) I will move this to coding section in a bit so look there if it is not here.

Anyways i have never used it but I have heard good things about it. I have always said the number one way to learn to code is by doing it. Plan something you want to build then build it. You can read things all day but until you need it you probably won't retain it. Find a simple game to build and when you get stuck on what to do google it. You will then understand the why and how of the code.

Re: is codecademy good to learn coding?

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 5:40 pm
by Violation
lol sorry I do have to learn a few things.
and yes well I thought I would relearn all css through html a bit, as a few years ago I could practically build any website with loads of different variations of code.

and now because I had to focus on jobs work, a and my life had a twist I didn't focus on coding as I had to much to do and sort out, so I am just kind of re-learning my skills back.

as for a game, I am currently making one for facebook, by freelancers, Costly but as long as I will make profit on a daily basis im ok with it :D

Re: is codecademy good to learn coding?

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 5:58 pm
by hallsofvallhalla
you are paying freelancers to build a game? interesting. I would be curious on how the results are using Freelancers.

Re: is codecademy good to learn coding?

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 6:21 pm
by Violation
Brilliant, as long as you don't take shit and make sure they understand what you want, so far the graphics are amazing, and they are at the moment, doing a full set game of graphics.

and after that is done, I will higher freelancers to do an adobe based game engine and sort out the game
Of course I have to make documentation, telling them what to do. pixels size what everything is does, upgrades etc shit loads of writing and explaining. but worth it. as already contacted facebook and looked at the traffic and contacted some companies. and my game will make a lot of profit. I cant say how much right now. but it is so good I will have a smile on my face for the rest of my life :D

Re: is codecademy good to learn coding?

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 8:02 pm
by hallsofvallhalla
flash game? Go with HTML5.

Games are fickle. You can never determine their popularity before release. I have seen developers crash and burn on some good games and I have seen others soar with mediocre ones.

Re: is codecademy good to learn coding?

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 8:23 pm
by Violation
it is for facebook so I assume their platform is flash,but I don't have to worry about anything like it crashing or anything like that. I make sure everything is perfect. "never spend money if you are just going to lose money"

Re: is codecademy good to learn coding?

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 9:03 pm
by hallsofvallhalla
Facebook is nearly any web platform. It is an API that you can frame your game around. Matter of fact because of its API I would prefer HTML5 over Flash. Flash is becoming old tech as it is not native like HTML5. You are going to require people to update their stuff when with HTML5 there is no need.
There is no such thing as perfect. It WILL crash. It WILL have bugs. But that is part of game development. When you are crawling shoot for the dining room table not the stars. One does not simply build a rocket. They start with small motors and go from there.

Re: is codecademy good to learn coding?

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 12:25 am
by Violation
I understand where you are coming from, but you must understand I am hiring a team of coders, programmers and developers, if their are bugs then they ahve not done their job correct. yes flash does become old I know, but compared to adobe, in my experience and also in facebook game experience it is more stable and much better to perform large games on, where as HTML5 is only good for little games. nothing to big. IN MY EXPERIENCE ONLY.

I understand where you are coming from a you are a very good well... Brilliant coder. but you must remember I will have people the same or better than your self a hole team of them working for me, even testing it out. their will not be any part of this that will look bad, feel bad or be bad.

and if their are any bugs, they will be fixed with updates that will go through facebook.

but I do take all of your advice, I have seen your video's and to have advice from your self is fantastic. I always use it.
I do want to use adobe but I will not use HTML 5 I will use adobe or something similar, if their are updates It will only be the game on facebook.

p.s. if you feel like you want to do some coding for the game give me a pm I will be paying the team and to have someone such as your self and your skills would be great to have on my team. so if you are in need of any extra dosh give me a bell.

Re: is codecademy good to learn coding?

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 12:37 am
by Violation
My team are very skilled and brilliant at what they do. they can make anything I want, but yes their will be bugs but the team is making sure to make that a very low chance so that little updates will be needed.

but again if you want to have some dosh I can always use another coder. if you want. but of course I have a time scale of when they all start so you would have to be free in 1 month if you want to put your skills to some extra action.