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Darcan - Fantasy Browser MMORPG - Under Dev

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 1:53 pm
by ApaKhe

Me and a couple of friends finally started working on a Browser game that we had been planing for quite some time.


The game will be a Fantasy MMORPG. We aim to make it different from the thousands of other MMORPGs that are out there and that share 99% of the things :/...
We are working on a better combat system and also a dynamic guild system at the moment. We plan to finish the esential part and work on graphics later... We estimate to launch the test version by the end of December this year. If we manage to... Quite hard for a 3 men team heheh :D

What we aim to achieve by the December deadline:
  • Combat system with stats modifiers and various debuffs(Poisons, Curses, Damage over time things).
  • A dynamic guild system that will include: guild lands, guild ranks, various rewards for every guild rank, guild battles.
  • A dynamic crafting system that will allow the player to turn raw materials into different items and also upgrade the existent ones.
  • A nice and easy to use GUI.
  • A nice ambiental music playlist. Different songs for every location of the game(We aim to take the player deep into the games atmosphere :D)
More updates after that, if we manage to get those done :P...

If you wish to help, help us here:

I will keep this thread updated with our progress :)

Re: Darcan - Fantasy Browser MMORPG - Under Dev

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 8:37 pm
by Verahta
What kind of browser game? I guess what I mean is what technologies will it be built in?

Re: Darcan - Fantasy Browser MMORPG - Under Dev

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 9:40 pm
by ApaKhe
Will be a text type game, with some nice CSS animations added to it, for now...

Re: Darcan - Fantasy Browser MMORPG - Under Dev

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 5:24 am
by Jackolantern
What are you using for the back-end?

Also, be sure to make the music default to off. You don't want anyone getting in trouble at work or at school when they check their account and the music starts blasting! That and playing music without the user opting-in is generally bad for any type of site :)

Re: Darcan - Fantasy Browser MMORPG - Under Dev

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 6:45 pm
by ApaKhe
Of course :)
Currently looking forward to make a drag & drop character equipment page... Don't know where to start but I will figure it out soon :D

Re: Darcan - Fantasy Browser MMORPG - Under Dev

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 8:43 pm
by Verahta
JS/Jquery on top of HTML5/CSS3 would be the easiest I imagine.

Re: Darcan - Fantasy Browser MMORPG - Under Dev

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 9:43 pm
by ApaKhe
I will look into that, thanks!

Re: Darcan - Fantasy Browser MMORPG - Under Dev

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 12:45 pm
by ApaKhe
Some things that will change:
  • We want to make a scenario type of system for the game. What that means? Well... Various encounters like dungeons with few but stronger monsters, and a final boss to it. One of my friends suggested that adding a progression system to the game will make it better... For example, we plan to release the alpha version of the game with 2 dungeons, but you have to defeat the final boss of the first dungeon to gain access to the second one.
  • Also, we are thinking of making some sort of a farming area for raw materials... Instead of making them monster drop, we want the player to actually gather them.(I don't think we can make this until alpha, but we will add it in the future)
  • The drag & drop type of inventory will not be released with the alpha version. We are taking our time to make it good, we don't want bad scripts :/
Also, if anyone visited our forums... It is kinda ghosty... We will not use that anymore due the high activity of spammers(I cant figure it out how they found out about the forums :o) and I hope we will get a small section here :).

Re: Darcan - Fantasy Browser MMORPG - Under Dev

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 9:36 pm
by Verahta
The more development posts on the forum the better, it adds content and value to the community (and search engine food to attract more people to the community).

Re: Darcan - Fantasy Browser MMORPG - Under Dev

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 2:48 pm
by ApaKhe
Small Updates:
  • We finally managed to get a good free host. That means that we may stick to our forums, but that will be decided later.
  • Our dev team is going on a 2 week vacation, which means I am the only one working on the game now :(...
  • I decided to show you guys some work we done so far, I will post some screens, lore and map tomorrow or the day after tomorrow :)