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Xmen Apocalypse

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 5:31 pm
by hallsofvallhalla
Sorry guys but I thought this movie sucked as well. The plot lines have become so messed up from all teh back and forth and the reset that things are all just not making sense.

Re: Xmen Apocalypse

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 12:48 am
by Jackolantern
As I am sure I have mentioned before, I am not a comic book fan nor a super hero fan. But even I can see the massive quality difference between the X-Men films and the other "Marvel Cinematic Universe" films. I am sure Disney just seethes with anger every time they think of Marvel licensing out X-Men to Fox for a 10+ year, multi-film deal before they started making the movies themselves. They are rubbing their money-stained fingers together just waiting for that license to expire to get back one of Marvel's most important properties.

Re: Xmen Apocalypse

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 2:55 pm
by hallsofvallhalla
Haha well one thing for sure is Marvel films are still way better than DC and better than that new crap fest they called the new Star Wars. That was horrific! I actually like some of the Marvel films. I just think they have went back and forth too much now and with the reset it makes it all even more confusing.

Re: Xmen Apocalypse

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2016 7:56 pm
by Jackolantern
Yeah, they have worked the Marvel movies into a pretty tight science now. Even I can sit through some of them.