3D bound depthSortMode(1)

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3D bound depthSortMode(1)

Post by zaquanishak »

Im using the 3D bound depthSortMode(1) which from the documentation the entity wil be sorting using the 3d bound that i have created. From the image below as u can see the 3d bound for the tree is not behind the character. I was expecting the tree should be sort below the character because im using the depthSortMode(1) which use the 3d bound to determine sorting. Am i doing the correct way here?
Here is my code on the tile map

Code: Select all

this.foregroundMap = new IgeTileMap2d()
im using depthSortMode(1) and mount this to foregroundScene and later i mount it to the mainScene. Every entity is mount to this.foregroundMap.

Please Advise.

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Re: 3D bound depthSortMode(1)

Post by coolbloke1324 »

Could you switch on drawBounds(true) and drawBoundsData(true) for the character as well? It would help to see the data because that will include the current layer and depth-sort values.
CEO & Lead Developer
Irrelon Software Limited
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